Sunday, July 7, 2024

And then there was one

One piece (out of many), that is!

Left column cut out from picture--really 7 x 9 blocks for a finished size of 70" x 90"

This sews up cuter than it originally looked on the design wall, so I'm glad of that. Having done one, however, that satisfied the itch and I can go on to other designs.

I'm toying with the idea of using some of the large scraps still left over from this project and making a single ginormous log cabin block for the back, using strips roughly 6.25" wide. It won't be rebuilt as these are, and it'll need an additional log on top and bottom to make it rectangular, but I like the idea of a callback.

Bonnie Hunter published her new Leader-Ender Challenge, and while it looks like an intriguing play on the traditional Irish Chain, I'm going to pass this year too. My current L-E project, teeny-weeny pinwheels, is down to nubbins.

 The pinwheels have all been sewn to at least one light square; some have light squares on both sides and are awaiting a couple of dark-light-dark 3-patches. This is the kind of block this little pile is aspiring to:
2" squares, 4.5" finished block

Once these are sewn up, and I doubt there's enough left to fill the rest of July, this tin beckons:

There are 10 layers, 8 HTSs in each pile, for a total of 720 blocks. These are the finishing border pieces for the languishing Lady of the Lake. And, OMG, it was a year ago, nearly to the day, that I last blogged about this project and planning out these squares! Leader-Ender-wise, I'm going to start pairing most of them strategically so there are no pairs alike. Eventually some of the pairs will be sewn into strips of 4. Since I'll need two strips each of 3 and 5 to border the center HTS, I need to keep my wits about me so I remember to leave some single blocks to accomplish that!


  1. I totally get the concept of L/E but I don't routinely do it. I get impatient and crank out bunches of whatever the unit it. I save Bonnie's annual challenge blocks for the design inspiration. Those 2" pinwheels really are teeny. I went back to see your LOTL in progress--hope you can get her launched this month.

    1. I see what you did there! I awoke thinking I'd be sewing more log cabins today but, quite unexpectedly, I spent all of this morning and some of this afternoon making real progress on Our Lady of the Triangles.

      I've got pictures and will be composing the blog when I get home this evening.


  2. I have a small tupperware box with something or other in it, it's holding 1.5" squares at the moment. (I don't cut that small, ever, but it started with a bag from the Linus donations pile and if I don't stop adding to it I will never be done with it). I wouldn't be organised enough to sew a quilt's worth, the finished units would get "put away safely" and that would be the end of that.

    1. Five years ago I started doubting the sanity of cutting/saving 1.5" bits, but then I made an Irish Chain and put those doubts to rest. I really really could use that size successfully!

      Put in a "safe spot": the surest way to lose something forever!



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