Saturday, July 8, 2023

Leader-Ender: Lady of the Lake

I'm feeling quite rumbly in my tumbly today (not in a good way) so while Zoe and I relax in my comfy recliner, I'm looking over the Lady of the Lake blocks I "inherited" from a dearly- and recently-departed Magpie. I'd promised myself that if Bonnie Hunter's 2023 Leader-Ender project wasn't something I could make with pieces I'd already cut using her Scrap User's guidelines, that I'd focus on the LotL blocks instead.

I decided it wasn't.

While looking at the picture of the 18 completed blocks, I started to notice quite a few mistakes in the positioning of the 16 small HTSs around the edges (pink), as well as problematic values in contrast (blue).

It would appear there's going to be quite a bit of frogging and resewing just to get the initial blocks squared away, but that's always a good opportunity to churn out additional HTSs between corrections. With 1312 of those little boogers to make, I'll be churning for a while!

This will certainly come into play and I'd need to pair up "only" 164 dark and 164 light 6-3/4" squares to get all the HTSs I need:

However, I also know I'll be frogging these and making some HTSs from them:
These were the two blocks (of the 84 Lakes) that were too dark and non-contrasty to use as a center.

With July's machine cleaned, oiled, and newly-belted (a blog eventually), following lines on squares of fabric will be a good way to test her stitch tension. Once that's sorted, I can work out an accurate 1/4" on her bed. 

Until I feel like cutting, pairing, and drawing lines on those squares, however, I think I'll grab the problematic blocks and my seam ripper. Zoe will forgive my hands being occupied as long as my lap remains warm and soft!

Later: driving back and forth this afternoon for my visit with my mom (giving me time for a quiet think), it finally occurred to me that not all 100 LotL blocks need to be made right away. I can make enough for a twin-sized quilt, which will need sixty-three 10" blocks in a 7x9 setting, or eighty for an 8x10 setting. The remaining 6.5" HTSs can be set aside for another LotL project, or for something else entirely.


  1. The value contrast is not bothersome (adds a little interest) but the mis-piecing definitely needs to be corrected. Suggestion: on-point setting. Hope your 'rumble' doesn't turn into a 'roar.'

    1. Yep, on point is definitely in the mix. Once I get a workable number of blocks made, I'll start playing with layouts. There'll be enough for 2 twin or full tops, depending on how they're arranged. In the spirit of Bonnie's L&E challenges, I may take a year to get all the blocks completed.

      A saltine diet for a day put things back aright.



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