Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Back to Back Backs

I finally sewed together the 3 panels and 4 strips that made up the backing for this (the panels were created months ago), and got it pin basted today. Another tick in the Yay! box.

Striking while the backings iron was hot, I also worked some more on the red/white/blue-family homespuns I had pulled. This is the rough plan . . .

. . . this is the reality at the moment, hung on the design wall in hunks and pieces.

There are several scraps still and I'm thinking of cutting them into 3.5" squares and making a 5x6 checkerboard for the "15x18 pieced" section. 

With Sugar Skulls pinned and waiting on the quilting table, the next flimsy was revealed: Angry Birds (Ugh!*).

I hoisted down the Yellow/Oranges CF!Q bin of donated fabrics and started pulling likely yellows and oranges for a backing for that. Took some photos (for filling virtual blocks when I plan things out on my computer) (colors not in the least bit true for most of the yellow fabrics), 

took all measurements, and found I'd managed to pull enough for two backs. That's fine by me--as I was going along there developed two definite camps: yellow/orange, and coral-tending-to-purple-and/or-green. The yellow/orange camp will obviously go to AB(U!*), and the others will be cobbled together for a flimsy TBA. I'm hoping my backing mojo sticks around for the rest of the week!

*A few years ago I was stuck in a long, slow line and the man behind me spent the entire time playing that stupid game at full volume on his phone. We hates it now.


  1. If you can continue making backs from the bins then it's a fast method of stash reduction. I make smaller quilts so usually just have to add eight or ten inches to the wof which makes use of the bag of odd blocks too.

    1. I'm seriously considering taking home a different bin each month, pulling 19-20 FQs (or the square inch equivalent of that) and making a back a month.


  2. That quilt setting is intriguing -- good way to use up larger novelties. Or big Kaffe flowers....

    1. I think that's why his prints never appealed to me--the scale is just too big for my tastes! You're right, this pattern is a great show-caser.



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