Saturday, May 11, 2024

Unstuck in Time

I was sitting with The Loud at the top of our driveway the other morning, telling him about the crammed-full Saturday I was about to have: quilt meeting in the morning, Memorial Service at 1 pm, with an effort to fit in a visit to my mom after that. When it got too humid to enjoy the outside, I settled into my studio for the remainder of the morning for some sewing. I hadn't been doing enough sewing, and I felt it in my psyche.

I started sewing the rest of these together . . .

. . . a nice mindless task since I had taken the time to iron the seams in the directions they needed to be in order to nestle. I regretted the fact that I wasn't going to get this quilt done in time to donate it in a couple of days at the CF!Q meeting (the 4th Saturday of every month). Yet somehow in the clutter of minding seams (I guess it wasn't as mindless a task as I made out!) and the double earworms of my new chorus's audition song and Doris Day's "Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps", the penny dropped: I didn't recall a Mother's Day celebration at my mom's facility! They make a Big Deal out of that day, but I couldn't remember it happening. Wait a minute....

What day is it?!?

I know what happened--the quilt group's newsletter usually arrives a couple of days before the monthly meeting. This time, it arrived sooner than that which threw everything off, mentally.

I'm back in a normal timeline, but it was a very surreal experience to have lost most of a month for a few hours there.

Because the Community First! Quilters have lost our second storage space for our numerous bins of donated fabrics, we're storing the largest bins at our other meeting site and sharing the responsibility of taking home (and bringing back) several of the smaller bins. This month I took home the Yellow/Orange as well as the Beige/Homespun containers. And since they were there at my fingertips, I made a backing for the Log Cabin flimsy out of homespuns of green/tan/gold/browns/navy:

Three sections overlapping on the design wall, waiting to be sewn together.
Huh. I never realized the "orange" was really more of a plaid. Up close, you'd never know it.

As Caroline so wisely pointed out, "I realised some time ago that more storage is not as effective as more usage." Perhaps, when I share the story of this backing with the others, it'll motivate those taking bins home to use the fabrics they've got custody of while it's handy (and maybe prompt others to step up and take bins home themselves). We've got to start using these donations, not just storing and schlepping them back and forth month after month!

While I was rootling through the homespuns, I pulled a second stack for another 73"x93" backing (flimsy to be appointed later):

Many of these fabrics have been used to make shirts, so it's been interesting dealing with the oddly-shaped scraps.

Now that this over-full-but-not-really-but-it-turned-out-weird-anyway day is over, I'm hoping tomorrow will be a normal day of sewing in the morning (finishing the first backing and starting the second) and visiting/karaoke-ing in the afternoon for a mostly calm Mother's Day.

Mother's Day well wishes to all of you too!


  1. I'm on a loser as soon as we have a Bank Holiday because my Monday bin collection then becomes a Tuesday collection and I lose track of whether it's really-Monday or feelslike-Monday.

    1. "really-Monday or feelslike-Monday"

      I'm stealing that!


  2. So, when is the ALF MD celebration -- today? (It doesn't take much to throw me off, either.)

    1. The drive back from the reception was so difficult (4 lanes narrowed to one for most of the way) that I never got to visit Mom in the afternoon, so I didn't see any prep or decorations. It'll probably be today, seeing as 3/4 of the facility is for Assisted Living residents who can keep track of days and time.

      (I did spend some time with her yesterday, but it was mainly hovering near her as she slept off a syncope episode that came on right after breakfast. She was aware of me for a split second. She's fine now.)



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