Sunday, March 17, 2024

Pinning another!

After running bunny through the (modern day) wringer, I still had my concerns about the beads for eyes so I reached out to the CF!Quilters leader for some guidance. I feared the Community First! Village marketplace would reject any stuffed animal out-of-hand if it had any potential choking hazards, even if a child would have to try very very hard to rip said choking hazard off the toy.

While I waited for a reply, I made a backing for another quilt--the Bright Hopes top I'd reduced from Double to Twin. This was a partial bolt donated to the CF!Quilters, and after opening it up for ironing I can see why. Firstly, there's a sun-damaged streak along the fold. Secondly, it's hideous.

When I read the selvedge and saw that it was a moda, my mind went immediately to Hermione Gingold's character in The Music Man, Eulalie Mackechnie Shinn, and her exchange with Marian the Librarian (0:48 mark):

Marian: "It's beautiful Persian poetry!"

EMS: "It's dirty Persian poetry!"


Me: "It's a popular moda print!"

Me too: "It's an ugly moda print."

Regardless, it's now a backing (the sun streak was cut away in the construction) and is part of a second sandwich to be pinned this week.

The pink and purple of the backing (peeking out under the bottom chair) play nicely with the scraps in the top.

While I was pin basting this, a reply came in regarding bunny (it's a "go" regarding beads or buttons for eyes--yay!!), so it looks as though this never-to-be-a-grandma will be sewing dolls and doll clothes after all.


  1. I don't know whether you had Germolene over there, it was a greasy salve in a metal tub that my mother applied as a universal remedy. On my monitor tha background of your background is germolene pink. I've seen it as a historically accurate paint colour too, imagine walls of it in a period property with high ceilings. Someone will love it and even if they don't. they will be looking at the front anyway.

    1. I suspect the only medicinal thing we have that's color specific would be Pepto Bismol, an antacid which is also known for its pinkness. Did you know that Germolene was a Bayer product?

      Perhaps the pink and purple by themselves wouldn't be so bad, but the chartreuse leaves are just!


  2. Actually I kind of like that print . . . beauty is in the eye of the beholder, etc. But you've used it and it's outta your house, or will be shortly.

    1. Ragmop has tried her best to train me to say, "It's not to my liking."

      I pulled the remains (still enough to belong in the yardage drawer) out the other day to cut some strips for binding, and the devil on my shoulder kept whispering, "Send the rest to Nann!"


    2. That “not to my liking” applied to *selling* the dam# stuff in the quilt shop. Cuss away! 😄


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