Wednesday, May 3, 2023

What's in the box?

Rosaleen got cleaned and oiled this morning, then set aside (but close by in case my son has her power switch made soon). Casting my eye over the other vintage machines in the living room, I spotted a wood case between the treadle and the wall and pulled it out.

Could this be a clue?

She's pink!

She's fairly grimy . . .

. . . but some gentle dish detergent should clean that right up.

Pulling the cords out of the little compartment on the right, I find some bits 'n' bobs and a plug with the right shape and correct number of prongs.

The bobbin and case are accounted for.

It comes as no surprise that the bobbin winder tire needs replacing, so I'm glad I bought several.

I plugged her in and stepped on the foot pedal, and with a little help she started moving. The motor belt will probably break soon. At the moment it's quite loose, which is why she needed help to get going.

Looking at her undercarriage revealed a lot of threads and dust in the corners of the case, but her mechanics seem fairly clean. A little bit of lint, but no large wads of it.

The power connection is a new one to me, but then again I haven't much experience with a wide range of vintage machines.

Roaming through the interwebs brought me to a site giving a detailed description of a renovation of this machine: PungoLiving. What a wealth of information to be found there! I feel emboldened to attempt a little more than a mere surface cleaning on this machine, and I'm looking forward to working with her for the rest of this month.

You just can't go wrong with the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval!


  1. Very pink! It will be interesting to see what you make of her.

  2. Have you named her yet? (Atlas seems rather masculine.)

    1. Pink. The first I'd heard of the singer was in a session of Rupaul's Snatch Game, but the queen portraying her didn't have much to work with (and did nothing with the little she had), leaving me with absolutely no idea who this Pink person was!

      I've been noticing her in recent commercials, however. Still have no idea what she's famous for, other than providing the most obvious name for my Atlas.



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