Friday, February 3, 2023

February's Machine

As it turned out, this ...

ended up being this (a 404)...

... minus power cord, foot pedal, bobbin, and bobbin winder O-ring (and maybe a bulb). I knew I was missing the power cord/foot pedal for a 404 (I bought it in 2017 as part of a lot of 5 machines), and I had contacted the seller about it but he flaked on me and never sent them along. I'm just as responsible for this oversight, as I had the chance to inspect everything before I loaded them into my car, but didn't do it. Too new, too excited. So, now that I know which mystery case holds the 404, notes to self have been made and the machine stored back under the Viking's table. As I work my way through the year, who knows what other power sources I may come across? If 2024 rolls in and I still haven't supplied power to this machine, there's always the interwebs.

The next machine pulled out has been sitting on the bottom shelf of one of my storage units (enclosed in pink arc), collecting lint and dust like everything else in this room:

She turned out to be a 329k StyleMate, but came in a case designed to hold a model 337 (case top seen behind her):

Because of the incorrect case, she doesn't fit exactly into the bottom section. A bottom case of some kind is important, however. I can't just set the machine on the table, as there's a large screw that extends from the bottom, just right for gouging the heck out of any surface upon which this machine is set.


Ignoring the wobbly fit of the case, I found an age-appropriate-looking bobbin and popped that in ... 

then inserted a needle and set to work. The tensions took a few passes (the bobbin was way too tight and the top was set to zero), but after getting that balanced nicely I found she was skipping stitches and snapping the top thread occasionally.

I RTFMed the issue, reinserted the needle the right way 'round, rethreaded the bobbin the right way 'round, and she's been sewing beautifully ever since. The imperfect fit of the bottom case doesn't present the slightest issue--she's strong and steady as she sews and there's not a wiggle or shimmy to be felt. There are a couple of items needing replacing (the bobbin winder O-ring [what a surprise, not] and the bulb), but I know where to buy the O-ring for 99 cents and I'll keep an eye out for this style of bulb in the other vintage machines I pull forth throughout the year.

Eventually I'll get around to seeing if a standard Class 15 bobbin works in her. For now, I'm happy that she's happy!

This morning I finished up the 16-patches (discovering in the process that the previous machine's tension gets wonky when its bobbin is nearly empty--wrote a note to self about that), confirming in the process that I established a good 1/4" seam line on the bed.

I intend to use a white fabric with the reds in the forthcoming FPP hearts, but for the 16-patches I used up a candy heart impulse purchase.
So darn cute!


  1. How many machines do you have now? (Hope you have come through the ice storm without loss.)

  2. I'm losing count! That's one reason I've devoted this year to accounting for them all. I'm fairly sure I can use a different machine every month.

  3. If this machine takes the same light bulb as a Featherweight, I can send you one. I bought a package of LED bulbs and I think there were 6 in the package. All my machines now have this bulb in it, so can share the wealth.

    1. I picked up an LED bulb while I was getting the O-ring, so that's sorted. I'll have to check my Featherweight (going back and correcting my last post, where I called it a Lightweight) to see what kind of bulb it takes. I might take you up on your offer, thanks!



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