Sunday, July 26, 2020

Straight Quiltin'

It took 3" on the Viking quilting machine to demonstrate that I chose the wrong machine for my needs. What I wanted to do first was stitch 1/8" from the seams (to secure the seam allowances), but I simply cannot eyeball a straight line using a little round foot!

So the Brother 1500 was threaded up with some matching teal, and the first, anchoring quilting lines were laid down:
One of the first things you learn when studying electricity and electronics: V/C=R
After quilting all the teal, I changed to black thread and did some easy straight-line outlining in some of the black blocks.  Today I'll move back to Viking which, with its FMQ superiority, is the right tool for the job.

For a change, Wraith didn't spend yesterday curled up at my toes while I quilted. He had his primary mission to carry out: All empty boxes must remain empty, and he will ensure this with his catness.


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