Thursday, August 22, 2024

TA DA! A Finish

I put the final binding stitch (machine) in this Tuesday afternoon then photographed it Wednesday morning before things got too hot to be outside (typing this at 12:55 this Thursday afternoon, it's already over 100ยบ in the shade).

71" x 89"

The checkered fabric is an old sheet behind the quilt, preventing splinters from the fence and moisture from the just-watered grass.
I used the same teal for binding as I used in the strips separating the components of the back. Despite all my careful placing and pinning, shift happened and the long edges ended up a bit wonky. Having the teal along all the edges helped even things out a little.

I Terry Twisted all the blocks using King Tut "Cleopatra" on top and "Nefertiti" on the bottom.

Once this quilt was done I turned my attention to the Easy Breezy top still needing its borders attached and got that done too. It's now draped front and center on the rack, awaiting a choice of backing and its turn on the pinning table.



  1. So good it being truly double sided, I don't know which side I like more.

    1. Sleeping under it, it makes no difference. But it's nice the owner will have a way to change up the look of their bedroom simply by flipping over the quilt.


    2. Turns out, this was the majority of the comments today at Show & Tell. Most thought the "back" was as nice, if not nicer, than the "front".


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