Sunday, December 24, 2023

Washed the sins away

After a wash (cold water, so any remaining blue ink would go away, not get set in) and a tumble in the dryer, look what has decided to play nice!

35" x 35"

There's only a slight undulation along the bottom, which I can easily live with (or give away guilt-free).
I'm so very relieved!

I've landed on and planned the block for the third subject of Mom's January banner. My inner monologue has been along the lines of 'You DON'T need to start that block right now, today. You DON'T need to go to the busiest store in town on the busiest day of the year to get the single item you need to make that block. You DON'T need to do it on the 26th, either! You CAN and WILL wait until the 27th, at the very earliest! Listen to me!!'

I'm attending a party tonight at my bestie's (with The Loud and Thing 2--very unusual) and then looking forward to a commitment-free rest of the year. I hope your holidays are healthy and happy.


  1. I did go to the grocery store an hour before closing on Christmas Eve and it was the quietest it's been all month. I'm planning on going to the even bigger store tomorrow in the hope of picking up a massive turkey that no-one wanted or has freezer space for. I don't always drop on cheap turkey but maybe this year I'll get lucky.

    1. Based on your anecdotal evidence, I swung by the MegaLoMart before visiting Mom, thinking today would be a very slow shopping day. It was closed. So yes: the slowest shopping day of the year!

      I'll hit it on Wednesday. Not going to venture out of the house tomorrow (half-price sales on all Christmas items, everywhere, not to mention all the returns!)


  2. Yes to not shopping today. May 2024 be a "banner" year for you. Have fun with the guys at the party.

    1. Laughing, because it was 2023, THIS year, that was literally the Banner Year! I should get January's done this month, and then NO MORE BANNER MAKING!



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