Saturday, October 8, 2022

Progress report

All the signature squares have been sewn to stripes, and I'm halfway through sewing the rows together for the first back. I draped my progress on my cutting station for its photo op

because the second back is still taking up all the available room on the design wall.

I'm really liking Caroline's idea of inserting a Sairey strip between the rows.

I've decided to complete one quilt entirely instead of assembling and quilting them at the same pace, side by side. One of the hugs will be mailed to Canada for the binding, then mailed to the applicable twin. The other twin lives near me, so I'll assemble, quilt, and bind his Hug after the first one is mailed off, and they should both get them at roughly the same time.


  1. The back is a quilt unto itself!

  2. Love, love, love the backs! Thanks for doing this. And, I agree, the Sairey strip is perfect for this.

    1. I found "Judy's" star today. I saw all the Queen of Heart cards and thought "Oh! I get it!"


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