Monday, January 3, 2022

Worth it? I wonder.

 I've stitched the first segment of the green border, and while it does tame the wrinkles, you can't really see all the work that goes into it.

When viewed from the back, the pattern is much clearer.

I stitch the middle 'stem' in a continuous line, but the 11 small segments above and below are stitched as individual units. Burying all the ends (24) takes roughly 40 minutes. 

At the moment I can only do one section a day. Not only is the black-on-green hard on my eyes

but picking out all the perforated bits of Glad Press'n Seal takes close focus (this isn't a good use of that product--it's easier to use on large quilt patterns), as does burying all the thread ends. My eyes have cataracts and by the time I get one section done, I'm exhausted. I'm hoping surgery will take place this month and I can soon get back to quilting for hours at a time.


  1. You could set it aside until you can see to do it. If you are not enjoying it then shelve it until you will do. Black on anything is not a winter job here.

  2. You're right, of course. It was a 'proof of concept' exercise anyway. Now that I know it does what I hoped, I can set it aside until conditions are better, and start in on the middle medallion instead. Thanks!


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