Sunday, March 14, 2021


So, I've been in Oregon for a month, with roughly 3 weeks more to go until my brother starts his month-long shift. That was a nice surprise: I had assumed he'd want to start in mid-April. Arriving back in Austin near the beginning of April might mean I'd get to catch the week of Spring we mid-Texans get to enjoy before the temperatures settle into the high 90s/low 100s.

After PT, exercises, and cooking meals, here's what's been filling my time. Even though I've got two hand-stitching project of my own with me here in Oregon right now, I'm devoting every spare moment to getting this 3,000-piece behemoth done and gone:

It's an oldie-but-goodie that we've assembled several times over the decades. I'm probably responsible for sending/giving it to my folks to begin with, many MANY years ago. It looks like something I'd've picked out, anyway.

That (above) is what it looked like in December. These days it's closer to this:

What can I say? I'm a shape-sorter!

I enjoy jigsaw puzzles and have since I was a little girl, but that's not what's driving me. The table this puzzle is occupying is also the table upon which my mom spreads out her big projects. It'll only hold one big project at a time, and this is the one we need to spread out next, before I head home again:

September 2020
It's my goal to have all the flowers and leaves pinned to the vine in the outer border before I leave, so my mother can be sewing those down during the month I'm back home. I'd love to get this done before she forgets entirely for whom she intended this!


  1. 3,000 pieces. Are they all there? Hope you can move that UFO to the "finished" stage (=back in the box?) and get back to the lovely quilt.

  2. They weren't when we did this 3 years ago, and I ended up making a replacement piece. Fortunately, it was in a dark section without much detail to worry about. When you know exactly where to look, it seems obvious. But if you try to pick it out from the whole puzzle, it's nearly impossible. For that reason, I marked the back of the box (which has a B&W depiction of the front, with numbers on each of the proverbs matching the list included with the puzzle) as to where that replacement piece goes. It's just a small box with an X in it. I've had some questions about making this piece from a couple of chorus members--while the puzzle is out I may take some pictures and make a post out of it!

  3. Also, finished DOES mean back in the box, with all the pieces separated (my dad's always been a stickler about that) and the edge pieces contained in their own ziplock bag (his only concession to puzzle-putting-together over the years).


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