Friday, January 24, 2020

Behemoth, both sides

After washing this, I flang it on the guest room bed and basically forgot about it for several days. It's been properly photoed, folded, and stored now, instead of getting gradually buried under small boxes (the "guest room" is really my ebay shipping center).

A second posting of the randomly-placed back/fleece side:

And finally, a closer view of the three blacks I used for the joining strips:


  1. Did you succeed in using up all of the muumuu fabric and all of the fleece?

    1. All the muumuu fabric is gone--I made sure to cut that up completely, first thing.

      I still have a huge hunk of the pink fleece, and as it snowed last night (here!), I'm *this close* to making myself some sweatpants out of some of it. That'll use a yard of it, easily.



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