Saturday, September 21, 2024

Letting go

As soon as I trimmed all the 4.5" triangle squares (previous post), I started sewing them to the dark/medium and light 3.5"squares I had cut weeks earlier, with an eye toward making this top.

With a few intervals of dark-dark-light square sewing, I soon had enough blocks to start creating this on my design wall:

OMG is that starting to look great!

Every block has 11 unique fabric designs in it, but I knew that once I started constructing the top there would be samesies touching and I'd have to get over it. As each batch of complete blocks is ironed and randomly put on the wall, I step across the room for the big picture and am further assured that same-same touching doesn't make a whisker's-worth of difference! When it comes to assembling them, it'll be a matter of stacking blocks in their appropriate orientation and sewing them up. No planning (or fretting!) beyond that.

Is that hard for me? Ya, you betcha!!

1 comment:

  1. I plonk blocks on the floor, shuffle them around so yellow and orange isn't all shouting together and leave them there while I make a cup of tea. Anything that offends me is moved again until I'm happy and I pin it in rows. Having learned my lesson now I also number the rows. You are right, same-same doesn't matter if you have enough going on around it unless it's a colour that smacks you in the eye from across the room.


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