Friday, July 12, 2024

A Lady by any other name . . .

... would smell as sweet? Maybe not.

Regardless, there seems to be many versions of the block pattern "Lady of the Lake". Like the words "decimate" and "enervate", the Lady of the Lake block means different things to different people.

I've had friends send pictures of the blocks they've made. Nann sent a couple, one of which she blogged about here (I love the flashes of red!) In my wanderings about the interwebs, I came across three variations:

Small triangle squares on two sides only.

What most people seem to associate with this block name, and matches the 18 blocks that were already constructed.
Reminds me of a Native American pattern.

Differing opinions aside, I settled on a setting and finished assembling the 20 finished blocks into a flimsy today.

I like how there are varying sizes of triangles and the values are all going the same direction (up or down). It reminds me of the 1,000 Pyramids pattern in which large triangles are constructed using smaller triangles, some of which are constructed using smaller triangles still. With this setting, there are large triangle squares surrounded by medium triangle squares which are themselves surrounded by small triangle squares.

I didn't worry about chopped-off corners in the construction of this. My goal was to get all the blocks trimmed to a uniform size (10" raw) and sewn together. When I pull the remaining elements out of the POUT drawer again, I'll be careful with the construction and won't be sacrificing corners. Until then, however, I'll just leader-ender my tin of 2.5" triangle squares as I work my way through other projects.


  1. Didn't that turn out well? Congratulations on your mighty success

  2. It looks fabulous! I'm happy you went with the dark triangles all pointing the same way...satisfies my brain's need for balance and symmetry. :-) JanetT

  3. Great save! I think I prefer this orientation. -- on point and light-to-dark, dark-to-light.

  4. Yes, once I realized I liked the iterations of small/medium/large sizes, echoed throughout, it was an easy choice.


  5. Yikes... I'd call any of those blocks LOTS OF TRIANGLES! Your finished (? are there going to be borders?) top really looks good. I've been making basket blocks with my HSTs. I'm not really enthused by it because I've mixed too many sedate colors with some bright colors. I think I'd like it better with mostly brights. We'll see how long it will take me to finish the darn thing since I don't work on it often. Sigh.

    1. It's all down to LOTS OF SQUARES at this point, as I believe I've made as many triangle squares as I need to construct another L-o-t-Lake top, in the setting of my choice.

      The finished one (no borders) seems to be a good lap/wheelchair size, which is also welcomed as a donate-able size by the Community First! Quilters. It'll be nice to have a relatively small project to quilt up!



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