Monday, January 15, 2024

Right on schedule

From my blog post of 7/21/2023:

"Yesterday morning was devoted to determining a layout for Celia's Kaffe Fassett project. I'm currently sewing the black borders on the final full diamond block (bottom row, blue center), so I need to plan the half blocks that will fill in the bottom and side edges, and the quarter blocks for the corners.

Lots of black border overlapping happening here so I could fit everything on the design wall. There are really two lines of black hexagons between each block.

"After several hours of pinning and arranging I was content with this layout and have selected pairings for some of the half blocks. Once those are complete and added to this mix, I'll figure out the final pairings. Based on my sewing rate of 2 months to complete a full block, I should be revisiting this in another 6 months."

Wow. That was prophetic.

I ran out of black hexies Saturday afternoon while sewing up one of the side triangles (the last of the pairings selected back in July), so when I got home that evening I figured I'd best calculate how many more I was going to need to get this project across the finish line. I had recently taken a cellphone picture of the top (there's much more, and cleaner, floor space at Mom's place on which to fling the flimsy).

The main difference--and it's a huge one--between the two photos is this: the top/first photo is the theoretical placement of (mostly) separate blocks. The photo directly above shows what's been sewn together. Yes!! One stitch at a time over six months of Mom's nap times, and look where it is today!

I had three (nearly) completed edge triangles to show with this top but didn't really feel like doing that in real life. Instead, I took a picture of them . . .

. . . and digitally ... supplemented? enhanced? corrected? ... the flimsy photo.

Not perfect, but it gave me enough information to know I needed at least 70 more black hexies. I cut those out Saturday evening and popped them into my busy bag. I'll be basting them around plastic templates for the next several days (if not weeks). I'm sure that between now and the end of the basting marathon I'll have summoned the gumption to unfold the top, pin the three finished triangles in place, and figure out the remaining fabric pairings to finish this. 

There's always Tuesdays.


  1. I admire your dedication and also your eyesight. The black would be summer months only for me.

    1. Cheaters (2.0 or 2.5 strength), worn over my regular bifocals. I also try to find the best light and still be within eyesight of my mom. I can get by, barely, without the cheaters if I'm just basting the hexies around the templates, but rethreading the needle is sometimes a challenge in that case.


  2. You're working on Celia's hexies. I'm wearing the socks that Celia knitted for me. "Of course you'll remember me," we hear her say.


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