Thursday, November 30, 2023

Still Trash Talkin' after all

A reminder of a Christmas-themed gift basket to be raffled off at the chorus's show this Saturday (YIKES!!!!), and the near-empty state of said basket, got me back in the Trash Bags saddle for one last push. From the fabrics un-/dis-covered in the Christmas POUT drawer, I made 4 more bags:

These will be packaged as a 'one for you and 3 of your friends!' kind of deal. I know exactly how to wrap them up, too.

One of the novelty fabrics was a long narrow strip which couldn't be used in any of the bags . . .

Kwanzaa walker banner block in the making, upper left

. . . which also is covered, COVERED, in glitter.

I don't like using glitter fabric in quilts. This will be cut into narrow strips and used to tie up the four bags into a neat little package. Anything left will be brought to the show and if the basket can be tied up with it too, so much the better. Problem solved!

On the home front (i.e. anything other than fretting/obsessing over the impending show), everyone at my mom's facility has tested negative for COVID, so we're back to our normal routine. I didn't realize how much I took for granted the simple pleasure of enjoying our coffee in actual cups

instead of the heavy styrofoam crap we were forced to use for the duration (in addition, all the plates were paper and the cutlery plastic. It wasn't nice.)


  1. I have the blue snowflake fabric that you used for the bag lining. I'm glad to hear that your visiting routine is back to normal, I don't know what they do here now (if anything) but previously if they had an outbreak (3 cases) it was two week's closure and then mass testing.

    1. That would present such a conflict for me. On the one hand: 2 weeks of 'vacation'! On the other hand: I can't visit my mom for 2 weeks!

      Something to be grateful for, I guess. This virus is becoming commonplace enough that a full-fledged shutdown is no longer necessary for the most part.

      The snowflake fabric was a recent acquisition from a "Please take and use!" bin. The scraps remaining from the trash bags will be used in my mom's December banner, and whatever is left from THAT will be cut into Scrap User's sizes. Considering it was free, I'm certainly getting my money's-worth!


  2. Looks as though you're going to use up the snowflakes as well as the glitter print. The trash bags look too nice to put trash in. :) We're just going to have to stay on the Covid-yes?/ Covid-no! roller coaster.

    1. They are too handy NOT to put trash in! My car bag is in constant use, as is the one hanging from my sewing machine, and soon the newest addition by my comfy recliner will be put into full-time usage. "Don't hate me because I'm beautiful" comes to mind....



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