Sunday, November 19, 2023

No more trash talk

I sewed down the upper edge of the last of the trash bags this morning. I think I made a total of 39 this time around (and I keep telling myself that 39 is as legitimate a number as 40, and I don't HAVE to make one more to even things out!)

It's impossible to iron them once the plastic lining is sewn in, but I've found that stacking and squashing them does a great job of pressing out wrinkles. These are them.

The last push of 17 is front and center (these were from the piles of paired fabrics mentioned in my previous post). The other, now-completed bags featured in that post are circled in green, weighed down under various containers, bits, and bobs.

Last week my mom's facility had their family Thanksgiving dinner and the dining area was packed with people. I saw people I'd never seen before in the 16 months that she's lived there. It was nice to see so many family members show up for the various residents but, as is my routine, I split as soon as the dinner was served. I got this photo the next day, which is a really good shot of her.

An hour after the photo arrived on my phone, I got a call from the facility nurse. 'Lois is okay, but...'

So we're back to this:



  1. At this time of year it could equally well have been norovirus or influenza from the germ pool, there's always something out there to catch. Five years ago we were all less wary about bringing germs to the party and although I would like to think that things have changed now I look round my sneezing knitting group and see that it hasn't. I hope that it doesn't cause too much disruption for her, MIL had to eat in her room and couldn't go into the lounge and she didn't know why because she felt just fine (but had covid).

    1. My mom's facility just keeps them contained in the MC portion (key-padded doors help in that matter) and I play along by curtailing our walk-abouts to either the MC section or straight through the AL section and to the front porch (weather permitting). No hanging around the AL dining room in the afternoon while we enjoy our coffee; no roaming their halls looking at pretty door wreaths. This too shall pass.

      I'm there 5 days a week and know darn well there's absolutely no way they could keep the residents in their rooms. One resident is aware enough to wear a mask. The other one who is equally aware of the situation believes the whole thing was created by Dr. Fauci in his secret lab. At least it's entertaining, in a sad sort of way.



  2. "Tis the sneezin'," says a perky PSA running on our PBS station. Hope Lois stays healthy, and you do as well......Great progress on stash reduction with the litter bags.

    1. As I was writing up the placard to go with/advertise the bags at our show in 12 days (yikes!), I realized there was one more place where I desperately need one of these--at my comfy recliner! All of the non-sold bags will go to Community First! Village for their fund-raising efforts, minus one.

      I'm counting on adrenaline/terror to keep the COVID bugs away until the end of our performance season in 4 weeks. Then I expect to crash and burn, big time. Gonna need a booster of the new stuff, pronto.



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