Saturday, September 16, 2023

Another finish

This . . .

. . . was successfully transformed into this . . .

64" x 86"

. . . earlier this week. It's been washed and dried and is ready to hand over next weekend at the monthly Community First! Quilters meeting.

An overview of all the quilting:

A freehand and simple serpentine stitch was run over every seam in the body, north/south and east/west. I used this variegated blue Aurifil thread:

The bed of my Juki machine. The white-framed rectangles are where the stitch regulator's laser lights shine through.

I ran a straightish line of YLI red ("Sunset") down every 3rd/4th red line in that border, then undulated horizontally and vertically in 8" segments using the blue Mettler thread in the outermost border and corners. The gray Aurifil was in the bobbin for it all.

The background fabric in the picture above depicts several pattern pieces for various articles of women's clothing. I'm fairly sure I bought it in San Antonio during the TexFest Dos Magpie gathering of 2020 (mere weeks before the world shut down). I used it as the binding.

A shot of the GoodWill sheet backing (and the reason for the gray thread):

I have two more N1C (Not 100% Cotton) flimsies ready for pin basting. I just need to finish up their Frankenbatts and figure out what I want to do about their backings. I've got some large hunks of yardage to choose from. It's just a matter of doing it now!

A colorful kid's quilt has been started, fodder for a future entry. When I have a new top in the making, a sandwich in progress on the Juki, and a Leader-Ender project in play, I feel all the needles are occupied and nothing is sitting idle. It's A Good Thing.


  1. I'm away on two weeks holiday this month and to make sure that I actually did some holiday prep I put the machine away earlier in the month. I'm not going to say that I found myself at a loss but it made me realise how many hours I spend at the machine.

    1. Speaking of which (putting away machines), this month really crept up and then got away from me! I'm still sewing on my Singer 301 and have no great urge to put her away. She's as wonderful as I'd hoped. I guess I'll set her aside (temporarily) at the beginning of October and pull out another machine to clean/repair/tweak, just to keep on with my 2023 goal of going through all my vintage machines. I'm eyeballing my Featherweight with the wonky wiring....


  2. The off-center setting is eye-catching. And the backing fabric is great!

    1. 'Twasn't my idea, but I too found it eye-catching when I first saw someone else do it.

      I nearly swooned when I happened across that sheet (and pillow cases) at GoodWill. The chance that I might stumble across another sheet as wonderful is what keeps me wandering in the local stores (that, and the occasional need for a new Hawai'ian shirt for my wardrobe).



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