Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Obsess much?

My various Leader/Ender projects, brought in as I finished one N1C top after another this past week or three, ended up being their own finishes as well. For a while it was hard to tell which project was Leading or Ending, so I just thought of everything being constructed as "Followers".

I also had an apostrophe as to where I could hang the flimsies while it remained so cold outside: on the living room drapes! The piano blocks a lower corner, but the overall effect remains.

The first top, in which I ended up with non-nestling seam allowances:

N1C Scrappy Trip Around the World (planned placement), 60"x84"

The second top, in which I cracked the code for getting all seams to nestle, all the time:
N1C Scrappy TATW (random placement), 60"x84" but might be cut into 2 tops

The third top, brought in as a Leader/Ender while I worked on top two, above:

100% Cotton strings, 66"x84"
This one was stay-stitched around the edges while some of the telephone paper still clung to the back. Big hassle! I should have folded back or removed the paper as I came to it.

The fourth top, created as another Leader/Ender for the second top:

N1C Strings with common med. blue center strip, 66"x84"

The fifth top is a very planned TATW in which 5 fabrics are the same and the 6th consists of most of the upholstery fabric samples that were in the bin of N1C fabrics (they came from an ex-sister-in-law who worked for a while at an upholstery business [or fabric store?] She'd bring the discontinued sample books home for my mother.) The 2.5" strips have been sewn together and cut into segments, arranged in a shoe box waiting to be sewn into blocks. Two are complete so far:

With this one, I'm going to play with layouts to see what pleases me most. I'm leaning toward a structured look. Chevrons or the traditional diagonal lines radiating out from a center square? I've also reduced the size to 24 blocks for a 4x6 setting (48"x72").

The sixth, final top is being pieced now. Tops 5 and 6 are Followers for each other:

On the right is the bin that once held 600-700 strips. These are all that remain. They won't get tossed until I'm sure of my counting ability (are there truly 35 strips in each of those 6 piles on the left?) Once I am sure, however, all the leftovers are going into the trash!

My flimsy hanger is getting quite full, but I don't want to start on any new quilting until I've finished FMQing the gift quilt. It's slow going right now because I'm post cataract surgery, but pre getting a proper glasses Rx. The readers I use for a stop-gap measure make it possible to quilt, but not enjoyable. Regardless, progress is being made:

I've been working on this in the mornings while my eyes are fresh. A fifth line of echoing is in the cards for each heart, then shorter echo lines to fill in blanks above each heart (as seen in the upper right) and in the four sections at the border, then perhaps some micro stippling in the middle "We Got Married" section.


  1. Wow, you have been busy! Even a little quilting a day will get it done, I bring out the timer for things I really don't want to do and even fifteen minutes a day will get the job done eventually (usually in far less time than I imagine)

    1. I'm a BIG fan of the timer method! I keep an old wind-up timer in the studio--it's nice when I've got 15-20 to wait before leaving for an appointment, but don't want to be sewing under the anxiety of watching the clock.


  2. You've been busier than a one-armed paperhanger . . . or a one-eyed quilt maker. (Clever trick of yours to get me to catch up on your posts: searching for the definition of N1C, which I found.)

  3. P.S. I like the second TATW with the minty green rows going one way and then 'tother.

    1. Whenever I see a word starting with 't, I'm always reminded of the Bob Newhart Show episode in which he'd giggle every time he heard a word like that. This annoyed his wife (Suzanne Pleshette) no end, as she was reading one of her poems at the time.

      That top was arranged completely randomly. I think I probably just picked up and sewed blocks together as I completed them. I'm glad it ended up pleasing.

      I guess I need to drop the definition of N1C into my blog occasionally, huh?



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