Sunday, February 20, 2022

Final Trip to the N1C Stash

Since I had committed to a classic radiating design for one of the last two tops, I decided that the final TATW top would be laid out as a chevron, with the dusty rose fabric as the only element of continuity. Three attempts at a layout finally brought me to this:

Not the full top, but enough to show the design. The lines follow the dusty rose fabric.

But as I took a break from sewing and started ironing the growing pile of blocks for the last two N1C TATW tops, I noticed that not all of the blocks for the chevron TATW had the dusty rose fabric in them that I had planned for. Were there blocks in this layout that could go without any of the dusty rose?
Top left: no dusty rose fabric in that block.

Well, no. There were some at the top and bottom that didn't need both rose diagonals, but they still needed one diagonal to keep the pattern flowing. I drew lines around the sections of the six blocks that could be remade with only a single diagonal of dusty rose, then set that concern aside and finished up ironing the blocks that were constructed.

The fact that not all the blocks had been sewn up worked in my favor. I had already ironed two blocks with no dusty rose, but I still had a small pile of strip panels left to cut up and assemble. All of them had a strip of the dusty rose, so the two rose-less blocks were the only ones I needed to reconstruct.

It was fiddly business, but I've done fiddly resewing before! First thing to do was cut a couple of dusty rose strips in half so I could use those halves in the two blocks that lacked that fabric.

There was some unsewing and resewing, working with individual squares instead of the more efficient strips, but eventually I ended up with four blocks containing only one diagonal of dusty rose (two shown here):

Now, every one of the 35 blocks had a minimum of 1 diagonal of dusty rose.

At some point along the way, all 35 24 blocks for top #5 were reassembled into a flimsy and hung on the curtains for a photo shoot:

It only took another day for the Final N1C top (and probably the last Scrappy TATW I'll ever make--I'm so over this pattern!) to be sewn up and take its place on the curtains:
Hung sideways due to space. 60"x84"

I chose to mix up the blocks that were nearly identical rather than group them together, because having other diagonals reinforced seemed to hide the (subtle) fact that the dusty rose is the only continuous line in the entire layout.

And so have I fulfilled my promise (to myself, my mom, and others) to adopt these Not 100% Cotton fabrics and make them into donation quilts. Technically not quilts yet, but the hard part is over and they're well on their way!

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