Sunday, January 23, 2022


 My sleeping brain wants me to keep working on this, right now, while my awake brain is trepidatious. (Get with it Blogger: "trepidatious" is a good word.)

On the advice of friends, I removed the right lens from my glasses which had been hampering my New! Improved! vision after the cataract surgery. While vision things are still wrong when I wear them, it's a different wrong that can be better tweaked with readers while I'm doing close work such as sewing. Cutting fabrics is less of a challenge without that lens, although I'm noticing a lack of depth perception. I started one cut this morning on top of the ruler, but the feel was off and I stopped immediately. One rotary cutter scar is enough, thankyouverymuch.

Last week I managed to do some echo quilting inside and outside one wreath heart.

It was stressful, but I can see that the lines are starting to tame the puffiness in the center panel. Right now the inner line of stitching has accentuated the puffiness within

but I plan some straight stitching between each line of information, then microstippling in the remaining empty areas if it still needs help to lie flat. I'm still debating whether to echo stitch one line inside each feather too.

For me this is nerve wracking work at best, made even worse if I can't trust my eyes to see the existing line and its position in respect to the quilting foot. I have not, however, tried this since modifying my glasses and using 2.0 readers to augment them. Thus the nightly dreams, I guess. Sleeping Me seems to think it'll be just fine and why can't Awake Me go back to the machine and try it? Awake Me is just fine working on N1C projects at the moment, because I can see well enough to sew a straight line. No pressure in 1/4" seams!

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