Sunday, January 16, 2022

Hello Walls

That's how I feel this weekend as I gradually insert myself back into the life I up and left back in August 2020. With the post-surgery corrected-vision limitations going on, resulting in making FMQ unenjoyable at the moment, I started poking around and rediscovering the PHDs and WIPs lurking about my studio.

Some didn't take much poking, especially the pile of 35 Scrappy Trip Around the World blocks that have been perched on any available surface on the cutting table, looming like Snoopy-the-Vulture. I'll get to that pile in a later post.

I pulled out an alluring plastic shoebox, sitting atop the shoebox holding all the rest of the strips for future N1C scrappy TATW tops. I obviously had an idea in mind. How far had that idea developed?

Well, there are two 10" squares of lightweight and, in some spots, threadbare cotton. What else?

Ah, twenty-two 1.5" strips of yellow (15" long) and a large snarl of whites, blacks, and gray cotton fabric strips and scraps, probably left over from the Hubris top.

Can't do much with 22, but 24 squares will play together very nicely. After raiding my 1.5" and 2.5" containers for the last bits of this fabric, I can cobble together two more 15" strips, the basis for string blocks of alternating dark/light/medium values built from a bright yellow center.

Finding more threadbare cotton is no problem. I brought home a huge pile of that from my mother's sewing supplies. It hasn't been dealt with yet, other than stacked in/on a box in a most inconvenient place on the studio floor.

Several snips and rips later, there's now a 24-count pile of 10" foundation squares.

While yellow with black/white/gray has the potential to be quite eye-catching, it also sounds a little boring. Maybe a planned corner of a black/white/color fabric? This was my first go-to:

but after thinking about it, I don't want to introduce a 'gender' to the quilt by including flowers. After a bit more rummaging, especially in my shoebox of novelty fabrics, I pulled out this oldie-but-goodie:

No doubt about how old this is! I think it's the last (possibly only) piece of turn-of-the-century fabric I have. It'll do nicely. There's plenty for the triangle corners (only 24 of which have been cut--where was my head?) with a nice hunk left for maybe a small inner border or a flange on the binding.

With that project now "kitted up" for a later time, I can put it back where I found it and turn my attention to that big pile of scrappy TATW blocks. That should be a quick and mindless project, just right for my frame of mind at the moment.

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