Thursday, August 8, 2019

Regrets? I've had a few.

I worked in a fabric store for some time around the turn of the century/millennium, and a 40% employee discount made it very easy to succumb to impulse buying. Three-plus yards of Jinny Beyer's Rose Garden was the result of one of those sprees, and it has been dogging me ever since. I had no plans for it, other than ownership, and have spent years (getting close to decades now) wondering, "Now what?"

Now what? Now this:

The Rail Fence is next up on the agenda/rack, so I spent today making the backing for it. The middle is a 37"x66" (finished) piece of forest-green flannel, which is bordered with Jinny's fabric. Although the 2 pieces technically provided enough square inches, there wasn't enough of Rose Garden to create unpieced borders all the way to the corners. So now there are 4 blue corners, and some Jinny Beyer leftovers stored in the under-one-yard purple fabrics bin.

I'm so very pleased to have this mostly used up! I had hoped to start on the sandwiching this afternoon, but when I smoothed the flimsy on the pinning table I realized I had ample backing to allow for a border around the top. So out came another Jinny Beyer fabric (by coincidence), and now this Rail Fence (behind Sister, on the second-from-bottom dowel)
has a 2" patterned black border.

Nothing more will get done on this tonight. The Fates, and one entirely comfortable cat, have decreed that this be so. Fresh start in the morning!


  1. Had to read the post carefully before I figured out your hanging system. To the stranger's eye it looks like one quilt with some oddly juxtaposed blocks. Flannel and regular fabric together? The Jinny B "blenders" were ubiquitous 20 yrs ago. Too bad they aren't reissued in contemporary colors.

    1. Flannel and regular--once the batting crinkles up from the wash/dry, they all play together nicely. In fact, I figured having the flannel in the center would be cuddlier, since that's what might go against the skin more than the outermost fabrics.


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