Monday, August 26, 2019

Pondering and Puttering

The Shoo Fly Leader-Ender Challenge blocks are at the point where they're getting completed very quickly, and I really need to figure out how to set them.

Do they excite me all jammed together?
Not especially.

 Separated by dark sashing and light posts?
Slightly more interesting.

That pretty much used up all the ideas I had, so I did a search for "Shoo Fly block settings". On point with plain(ish) blocks was an option worth exploring:

How interesting that simply turning the block 45 degrees pulls your attention to the corner triangles more strongly than when the blocks are set straight!

What I had never even considered (until I saw it) was creating a negative alternate block! I pulled some parts and cut some triangles, and placed the pieces on the design wall so I could see how they play together (I'm calling the alternative/negative blocks "Blocks B", and the original color placement "Blocks A").

This also holds some possibilities!

Looks as though there's going to be plenty more cutting in my future, and the Leader-Ender stack will be replenished with a whole bunch more pieces. I'll start slow with "Blocks B" (i.e. I won't make 63 of those, as I did with "Blocks A"), and once there are enough of both to build a good-sized flimsy I'll stop there. Any excess "Blocks A" can be assembled into another flimsy using the plain(ish) squares/on point setting.

While everything was up on the design wall, I tried out some problematic "lights" to determine if they contrast enough for the "Blocks B".

The green passes as light, but that gold definitely reads as a dark and blends right in, value-wise, with the side pink rectangles. Good to know now, before I start sewing.

11:25 pm edit
After rehearsal (winding-down time) I played around with a new-to-me app on my MacBook which, astonishingly, didn't make my laptop crash as soon as it opened: Gimp. With it I finally figured out how to rotate one of the images so I could see the effect on point:

I suspect this will be the final plan for this Challenge.


  1. Sherri Bain Driver design/made a quilt with blocks much like yours. It's called Only on Sunday and it comes up in Google images. You could also play with five-block-cross (here's a version:

    1. And that 5-block-cross idea has been duly filed away as something to play with for whatever excess "Blocks A" result. Maybe the flimsy could be constructed from crosses of varying patterns--five Shoo Fly blocks, five 9-patches, 5 Puss in the Corners.... Hmmmm.

    2. Oh! Now I see it--eliminate the bottom pink square in the last picture, and there's the cross. Four Blocks A to one Block B. I LIKE!

  2. Wow, practically identical! The only difference is the HTSs (I refuse to call them HSTs when they're clearly squares, not triangles!) in the corners creating hourglasses.


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