Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Nearly flimsied

Sunday I double- and triple-checked all my math, then finally took rotary cutter to fabric and cut eight 2.75" strips from the remaining 23"x35" piece of the "Zen Chic" moda. This would be the next border after the Sairey Strip egg fabric.
Most of the writing is about a coffee order. Zen?
The main trouble with using the "wrong" side of a fabric is that the default is to sew "right" sides together. I was 5 strips into the eight, joining them end-to-end for one long strip, when I realized I was sewing them together incorrectly. I had this problem with the egg borders too--sewing the egg blocks onto the "right" side of the fabric as I inserted the filler pieces. What a frustrating waste of time and thread!

I wish I had a decent place to display large flimsies.
Once the black border was on, I had the measurements I needed to flesh out the ends of the egg borders. I had put filler pieces on both ends of the corners (can't tell you why--I've no idea), so those unneeded extra pieces were removed and used on the tops and bottoms of the side borders. I had to extend them just a bit (they were only 2.75", and I needed 3.25"), but since 'just a bit' was all I had left of the moda, it worked out.

The final border, as well as the binding, will be more of the "wrong" side of this:
There's some hint of gold on the back side, but I suspect it'll wash away as it's probably just glitter that has rubbed off from the front. Apart from that, it's a good solid black.

The cutting will have to wait, though, as this is the state of my cutting board this morning:

 The other side of the room is showing much progress on the Leader-Ender Challenge. I'm finally getting the blocks into chunks!
I used fabrics without much regard for strong contrast, mainly because those medium hues give me fits. Now I can see where some mediums would have been better classified as light, but I'm not going to sweat it. This will be a donation someday, and a bunch of problematic fabrics are out of my stash, so it's a double win. It looks like a hot mess to me right now, but someone will love it, someday.

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