Saturday, February 18, 2017

National Drink Wine Day

Hubby informed me seconds ago that today is "National Drink Wine Day", the irony being that I'm low on that very substance and I was within walking distance of a supply several times today while running errands! Arrrgh!!

Perhaps had I been a little less ... erm ... "generous" last night, I'd have something to enjoy tonight. (Or, I could jump back into the car and fix this problem right now!) I don't know if it helped my free-motion quilting last night (emphasis on "free"), or just helped me accept the organic-ness of the results (I was aiming for in-the-ditch).

Either way, I'm much more forgiving of my less-than-perfect attempts these days, especially when I'm quilting something for myself. (I remain sober when quilting for anyone else.) A combination of fortified grape juice and plain old age is helping to dissolve that rod up my backside!

I also finished up the quilting inside each snowball on my Bowtie WIP, with just this much left on the spool. There were some tense last few minutes (well, not too tense--see previous paragraph), but I do love it when something works out this nicely. The remainder is already in my sewing bag, ready to use on the binding.

And what project update would be complete without the line "Zoe helped"?

Today I bought a skein of pink yarn. This will not be a shawl, or raglan sweater; this will be a hat. A very special hat. And I'll keep making this very special hat until the yarn is used up. And then, I may just go buy another skein and keep making that very special "host" hat for as many very special women as I can.

While pawing through the pile o' crap on my desk (looking for something more relevant than junk mail), I came across something from the Sheriff's Office. "Uh oh," I thought to myself, "did they finally catch that time I accidentally turned left on a red light, or the time I purposefully treated a red light [with no traffic within sight] as a Stop sign?" No, it turns out I've been summoned for Jury Duty again. The questionnaire associated with the online registration is ridiculous and largely unnecessary (I was able to skip answering most of the questions--who needs to know the occupation of my children?!?), but I was pleased to answer the following question: Race. In the answer box I typed "human".

That shall be my answer from this day forward. If my only option is from a drop-down menu, and "human" isn't one of the choices, then "Other" will be my answer. If further clarification is required, I will circle back: "human".

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