Friday, August 11, 2023


 My first finish this month: the August walker banner.

A closer (and clearer) look:

What appears to be small 4-patches is really fabric printed with small square designs.

Last night I put the final (machine) stitch into the binding of this N1C flimsy . . .

. . . then threw it into the wash so it would be ready for its photo op this morning.
66" x 89"

Thing 2 was indisposed and The Loud is just short enough that he needed to fold over the top so the bottom wouldn't drag on the ground.

I had marked the Full Line Stencil quilting lines using blue or white pouncing pads (supplemented with regular blue chalk or baby powder, depending on the quadrant). I was never so glad to get a quilt into the wash as I was this one! It took a couple of cycles to get all the chalk out. What hadn't occurred to me was how much chalk dust was also getting into me until I noticed the air purifier reacting from across the room. I moved it closer to where I was working and this kept happening:

I'll be wearing a mask in future!

I bound this top with the remains of the polyester, which was 15" short of what was needed, so I pulled a pink from my stash and sewed that onto each corner. The only thing I need to do now is go over the front and back with a lint roller (I foolishly dried it with some towels and they pilled all over the quilt), then it'll be the first of several twin tops to be donated to Sleep in Heavenly Peace.

A couple more N1C flimsies have been pulled from the rack to be turned into sandwiches very soon, for donation to Community First! Village. Perhaps I'll even make things easy on myself and use one of my wide backing fabrics. What a concept.


  1. I looked back to find out what N1C means. Now I'm curious to know how you came to have so many N1Cs, and how many you still have to piece and/or quilt.

    1. A former sister-in-law worked in a fabric/upholstery store and would bring the discontinued fabric sample books to my mother. My mom also had quite a bit of upholstery fabrics from her reupholstering projects. I promised her, as I thinned her stash over the years, that I would put all the fabrics to good use. Some ended up as project bags (, and the lightest-weight fabrics ended up in these quilt tops.

      Also, I had a chorus friend who gave me a bunch of her scraps when she moved. They were mostly kids' fabrics (sundresses for her granddaughters) and poly blends. Into the N1C container they went too.

      I made 4 flimsies from the lot. I'm in the process of creating the borders for two of them (the third was bordered with the not-Day-of-the-Dead fabric choices)(



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