Sunday, August 9, 2020

Baby quilt #1

Update 9/15/2020:

From the mother: "And yes, he has already spit up on it. So it's officially broken in๐Ÿ™‚"

(Original post on 8/9/2020):

No time or clarity of thought to come up with a (clever?) play on words--I'm off first thing tomorrow morning to do who knows what for who knows how long. I just learned of this change in my life this morning, and have been in a bit of a whirl ever since.

First thing to complete: get the finished baby quilt mailed to Baby Mommy!

The label:

And the cuddly texture after it went through the washer and dryer last night:

In the card enclosed, I expanded on the details in the label, pretty much repeating the thoughts I've written in this blog

I'll be out of state caring for my parents and helping all the sibs come to some decisions and actions. It's not going to be easy, and I have no delusions about anything I'm about to wade into (whatever it may be). 

I'll blog when I can, if I can. I've still got lots of pictures "maturing" in the Blog Fodder folder of projects I've completed in the past. If I can't, well I'll eventually be back home and settled into my real life again. 'Til then, stay healthy out there!

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