Friday, July 17, 2020

A finish, and more!

Steve's Ts is Steve's lap quilt now. These pictures aren't much different than the previous ones, other than the borders and the binding.

The binding was a combination of a quarter yard (at most) of this license plate fabric that came home with me after the last Magpie get-together (back in February)
fleshed out with more of the hide-the-gold black still left in the binding scraps bag.

Released into the wild!
The pillow is made from a double-sided sweatshirt (the rumps are on the back side, of course).

I've also finished sewing the Hubris top, and it's resting comfortably on the guest bed at the moment.

Although I said I didn't care, I'm honestly relieved to see that the two applique blocks do hold their own in the midst of all the log blocks.

Also resting on this bed is the Maple Leaf vintage quilt, basted and waiting its turn. Under all of it is a TV and a mirror, left/hold-overs from the major re-envisioning of this room and what is really needed in it (hint: not a large, out-dated, 'dumb' TV). Decisions will be forthcoming, but until actual guests are as well, I can procrastinate.

In the background, resting on a towel after the second round of spray starching, are my T-shirts I'll be using in my T-shirt quilt.
I've had some ideas about block sizes, settings, and sashings; now that my actual design wall is empty it's time to turn to my virtual design wall and start playing with this one again. Fodder for the next post!


  1. I detect the grammarian t-shirt in that stack. Dare I say you should be proud of the Hubris quilt?

  2. I got such a kick out of wearing that shirt! And thank you--I'm quite chuffed at how well that Hubris top came out (maybe the Hubris gods won't realize "chuffed" is the same thing as "pr...").


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