Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Mask Project

This used to be a post. An unintentional keystroke eliminated it forever, and I don't know that I can, or want, to recreate it.

So be it.

Still alive. Still well. Still dealing (with massive amounts of wine) with what has become of our country.

Still thinking of O. Henry as I sew, and sew, and sew countless masks.

5/11: I had been a month behind in reading Bonnie Hunter's daily blog, so it wasn't until I took some time to catch up with her this weekend that I learned what had happened with mine. Her second explanation: "And folks - just a note - Google is blocking images on several of my previous posts regarding mask making.  I'm not sure what the deal is, but at this time I can't go back and rewrite those posts or find the photos that were supposed to be inserted without it taking SO MUCH TIME.  So I'm sorry.  I'm going to see if I can resolve it.  It's a weird thing between Blogger (Google) and Google Photos."

I don't use Google Photos, but all my pictures on this original post (written on April 2nd) had been removed. I keep my photos in a dated folder on my laptop, but don't save the text of each blog post. In an attempt to reinsert each photo, I managed to erase everything I had written (no amount of Ctrl-Z made it all better), save for one caption I had Ctrl-C'ed:

"Masks ready to go. The 4 clips on the edge indicate 40 masks inside. This was a very stiff and heavy batik that I didn't want to use in a quilt after all. It never did wash up nice and soft as other batiks do." That caption went with this picture:

The photos had been removed from the post before this one too, but I managed to get everything replaced without incident. And so far they've stayed there. If this photo gets redacted, I'll start using "fabric face filter" as the synonym for mask. Even if this post remains untouched, it's still creepy wondering why this particular form of censorship is going on.

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