Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Today would've been Wednesday

... is what I found myself thinking this afternoon at "close of business", relaxing with a glass of wine in my front yard.

I've got a beautiful view from the shade. There's a park with a pond directly across the street, and families are enjoying it more and more these days, especially while the week of Texas Spring is in effect. Soon enough, temps will rise to their usual 90+ degrees.

This will be a disjointed post. In one of the many "laughs" emails sent by friends, this one stuck:

"I'm either coming out of this quarantine 20 lbs lighter, chakras balanced & a house full of completed craft projects, or...

20 lbs heavier with a drinking problem."

I'm choosing the latter.

We have a nest outside our front door. It was built last year and inhabited again this year. Imagine you've stepped outside and looked up:

The biggest dark blob is the barn swallow nest. The others are probably wasp nests, but I don't bother them if they don't bother me.

Sitting in the front yard puts me directly in the flight path of "our" barn swallows as they zoom from the pond to their nest, but they don't seem to mind. Of course, I've no idea what they're really saying about me behind my back.

"Close of business": I shall elucidate in tomorrow's post. Dinner's on.

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