Tuesday, September 3, 2019

"Like I needed another Time Suck in my life"

If it wasn't for the fact that The Loud was out of the house all day due to work, I truly wouldn't have had a clear and constant idea of what day this was. Hurricane Dorian has kept me riveted since it made (and maintained) landfall in the Bahamas. It wasn't until this evening that I was finally able to break that spell and start doing other things.

I only have social media accounts with Blogger and Twitch, but I can access Twitter and read the postings. What an incredible cesspool of ignorance and misinformation! Lots of helpful and timely stuff too, of course, but tons of old information posted again, and again, and again, and again....

The most interesting aspect of this experience was how deeply invested I became in the welfare of someone I had never even heard of before Sunday, a hurricane chaser by the name of Josh Morgerman who was on Abaco for the duration, but stopped tweeting on the morning of September 1st after posting this message: "Pounding. CRASHING. Boards prying off windows. We're moving children to a safe space, wrapping them in blankets." After that he wasn't heard from for 2-1/2 days. What a cliff-hanger!

So tonight I've been catching up on quilters' blogs and starting to feel in the mood to sew again. I'm afraid the only productive thing I did all weekend was clip the cats' nails and empty their litter boxes. I'll keep lightly monitoring the situation as Dorian moves up the coast (family in Jacksonville), but I won't be glued to the laptop screen for entire days, bouncing from one hashtag to another. It was like I was drugged!

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