Friday, December 30, 2016

Anna's Quilt

Back in August I was asked by Nann if I would consider quilting the Hug being organized for Anna. Well, I have this super deep-throated quilting machine now, and a willing QI, and it's for Anna for heaven's sake, so of course I said YES!

The blocks were made by several Magpies (Anna knows who they are) and sent to MJ, who assembled the top:

I'm not partial to repro fabrics, so have little of it in my stash. Nann generously contributed several yards of 2 fabrics for the backing. MJ sent a left-over 9-patch with the flimsy, one matching the 9-patch on the front and made of magpie fabric I happened to still have in my stash (from a 'Pie Fest held years ago--in NM perhaps?)(Clarification from Nann: "The magpie/blackbird print fabric came from me back when we had the first Magpie birthday block exchange in 1998.  I bought yards and yards of it at So-Fro Fabrics -- enough to back the quilt I made from those blocks as well as a FQ to accompany each block I sent to participating 'Pies.")

From that I made 3 additional 9-patches and used them and the sig squares in the pieced backing:

I loved the novelty of the fabrics and the individuality of the blocks. There's a history "lesson" ("Farm Curtains 1952"),



and a tribute to women's perceived contribution to society:

For our own pansy lover, what could be more fitting than that flower in the setting triangles?

Knowing that this quilt would be washed prior to shipping it to Nann, I didn't mind that Zoe gave it her seal of apurroval during the binding phase.

Finished Hug:

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